
by Matt Purdy

and me.

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May 2002
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Purdy wishes to begin the comic at some point this coming week, I take it. He's not planning on using the story I designed for an opening, but I wasn't particularly attached to it to begin with. Plus it wasn't very good.


So anyway, the site's going to look very ugly (much like it looks right now) until I get all these little KeenSpace nuances all figured out and actually sit down and design the thing. This could take some time, because I'm very, very lazy. And on top of being lazy, I somehow manage to make myself very busy a lot of the time.
Exams are coming up in a couple of weeks, and then Purdy and I are going away, and then we'll come back. And perhaps then I'll try and start working on this place's design. Maybe I'll actually do it before I head off to University at the end of August. Wouldn't that be something?

Anyone besides me who reads this and can tell me a method to blog news to the site without having to hard code it into the HTML would become my new idol. I hate doing it this way. Something similar to Blogger would be nice.
Drop me a line in my Livejournal if you know of a service or something which works with keenspace. I can't even seem to use a standard FTP client with this place. oh well.

Noids is hosted on Keenspace, a free webhosting and site automation service for webcomics. And it likes to piss us off.